name Institute: Country
Vincent Frederic Observatoire de Paris / LESIA France
Paerels Frits Columbia University United States
Gendre Bruce University of the Virgin Islands United States
Doyle Gerry Armagh Observatory and Planetarium United Kingdom
Miniutti Giovanni Centro de astrobiologia (CSIC-INTA) Spain
Zhang Guobao YNAO China
Hartmann Dieter Clemson University United States
Schatz Hendrik Michigan State University United States
Hermsen Wim SRON Netherlands
Holger Stiele National Tsing Hua University Taiwan
Homan Jeroen MIT United States
McHardy Ian University of Southampton United Kingdom
Kreykenbohm Ingo Remeis Observatory & ECAP Germany
Papadakis Iossif Physics Deprtment, University of Crete Greece
Agudo Ivan Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia-CSIC Spain
Atteia Jean-Luc IRAP France
Rodriguez Jerome CEA - Department of Astrophysics France
Braga Joao INPE Brazil
Tomsick John UC Berkeley United States
Granot Jonathan Open University of Israel Israel