name Institute: Country
Bozzo Enrico University of Geneva Switzerland
Santangelo Andrea IAAT Germany
De Rosa Alessandra INAF-IAPS Rome Italy
Watts Anna University of Amsterdam The Netherlands
in 't Zand Jean SRON Netherlands
Poutanen Juri University of Turku Finland
Zane Silvia mullard space science laboratory, universiy college london United Kingdom
Wenfei Yu Shanghai Astronomical Observatory China
Li Xiang-Dong NJU China
Feroci Marco INAF-IAPS Rome Italy
Zhang Shuang-Nan IHEP China
Stella Luigi INAF-OAR Italy
Doroshenko Victor IAAT Germany
Casella Piergiorgio INAF-OAR Italy
Bianchi Stefano University of Rome 3 Italy
de Martino Domitilla INAF - Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory ITALY
Maccarone Thomas Texas Tech University TX
Drake Steve GSFC United States
Mignani Roberto INAf-IASF Milano Italy